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Speech & Language

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy  begins with a thorough assessment conducted by a licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP). The SLP evaluates the patient’s communication and swallowing abilities. Based on the assessment findings, a personalized treatment plan is developed. Therapy sessions may include exercises to improve speech clarity, language comprehension, and swallowing function. The SLP works closely with the patient to set achievable goals and provides ongoing support and guidance.


Stammering, or stuttering, therapy begins with an assessment by a speech-language pathologist. The therapist identifies the specific speech patterns and triggers associated with stuttering. Therapy techniques are tailored to the individual’s needs and may include fluency-enhancing exercises, relaxation techniques, and strategies to improve speech fluency in real-life situations. Regular therapy sessions provide ongoing support and practice to reduce stuttering and enhance communication confidence.

Voice Assessment & Management

Voice assessment and management involve a comprehensive evaluation by a voice specialist, which may include a laryngoscopy to visualize the vocal cords. The assessment helps identify voice disorders and their causes. Treatment options are determined based on the diagnosis and may include voice therapy to improve vocal quality, surgical interventions when necessary, and lifestyle modifications to protect the vocal cords. Voice specialists work closely with patients to develop voice care plans for long-term vocal health

Hearing Rehabilitation

Hearing rehabilitation starts with audiological assessments by audiologists. These assessments determine the type and degree of hearing loss. If hearing aids are recommended, the audiologist fits and programs them to suit the patient’s needs. For more severe hearing loss, cochlear implant evaluation and surgery may be considered. Audiologists also provide counseling and communication strategies to maximize hearing aid benefits. The goal is to improve the patient’s ability to hear and communicate effectively.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary effort involving physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and other healthcare professionals. The process starts with an evaluation to assess the impact of the stroke on the patient’s mobility, speech, and overall function. Individualized rehabilitation plans are then created, which may include physical therapy to improve mobility, occupational therapy to regain daily living skills, and speech therapy for communication and swallowing issues. The goal is to help the patient regain independence and improve their quality of life

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